Special Character

At Sacred Heart College, the charism, vision and values of St Marcellin Champagnat are reflected in the daily lives of boys, staff and Brothers. Our College and community culture are centred on Jesus Christ, modelled by his mother Mary, and expressed in the distinctive charism of St Marcellin Champagnat. This permeates all aspects of school life.

In 1838, the Marist Brothers brought the vision and educational style of St Marcellin Champagnat to New Zealand. Today, their legacy can be seen at work in Marist Brothers’ schools across the country. We are proud to be part of that story.

As contemporary Marist educators, we aim to consistently fulfil the spiritual, academic and social needs of our students – through leading by example and being guided by our Marist pillars.

The Sacred Heart family consists of students, parents, staff, Marist Brothers, Old Boys and our wider community. Collectively, we are propelled by community spirit and driven to foster warm, supportive and compassionate relationships with those inside and outside our community. The atmosphere in our school is welcoming, warm and down-to-earth, with a deep sense of humility.

Pillars - Ngā Pou

The spiritual, educational and social needs of our students are of paramount importance. All staff lead by example – being inspired and guided by our five Marist and two Sacred Heart College Pillars.

Support - Arohaina Tētahi ki Tētahi (2025 Pillar)

Marist education offers spiritual, emotional and intellectual support for students and families in need, in line with the Gospel and person of Jesus Christ.

Diligence and Love of Work - Ma mahi Ka ora me te Aroha ki te mahi 

To fulfil their God given potential in all aspects of College and Hostel life, our staff and students express a commitment to diligence. Academic excellence is a valued goal, as is involvement in cultural and sporting activities.

Family Spirit - Whanaungatanga

Everyone in the Sacred Heart College community relates to each other as members of a family, who share the same values, based on the Gospel.

Loyalty and Pride - Tuturutanga me te ihi

We are true to our tradition and are proud that Sacred Heart College has contributed to the lives of our students, who are justly proud of their Catholic faith, underpinned by our Marist and Champagnat heritage.

Simplicity - He Ngākau wairua 

A spirit of simplicity is seen as a Gospel virtue – relationships are characterised by simplicity of expression. To this we link humility and modesty, making the three violets of our Marist tradition.

Presence for Others - Te Awenga i te Ao Wairua 

Teaching and Boarding staff at Sacred Heart College provide a pedagogy of presence – to be ‘present’ for each other, to listen and to lead by example, as did Mary.

In the Way of Mary - Whaia te Ara o Maria 

Our spirituality is expressed through our commitment to Mary's attitude towards God and openess to others: "All to Jesus through Mary. All to Mary for Jesus." 


We welcome parents to join their sons for Mass, which is held in the Chapel every Thursday lunchtime at 12.50pm. During term-time, we also celebrate Mass every Saturday at 5.15 pm. All members of our College community are welcome to join the Brothers and Hostel communities at this time.

Sacred Heart College Prayer

Lord, teach me to be courageous, generous and to live simply.

May I do what is right, acting always with faith and integrity, supporting others to do the same.

May I use the talents You have given me wisely, for the benefit of others.

May Jesus, Mary and Marcellin be my guides today and always, until I meet you face to face.


St Marcellin Champagnat, Pray for us.

Boarding at SHC
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Our Campus
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